Privacy Policy

Effective date of Privacy Policy: February 13, 2017


The long and the short of it is that we won’t sell your information, or knowingly share personal identifying information with any of our partners, except in very limited cases as it enables us to provide services or do business.

That means we might send you on your way with some tracking info on an affiliate link to one of our products, but we’re not going to hand out your email address willy-nilly, expose secure payment details, or attempt to monetize your personal info the way some large search engines and social media sites do.

Looking for more details? Read on.

Specific legalese:

Bright Little Light Press (“BLLP”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) understands your concerns about privacy. We’re people, too, and we have our own privacy concerns.

This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices relative to information we collect through our websites, and any other online service that links to this Privacy Policy. This includes websites or online services that we operate on behalf of our authors. By using our Sites, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Sites.

We might make changes to terms of our Privacy Policy from time to time. (Although probably not, because all this legalese is a pain in the butt.) If you continue to use our sites after we post changes to our Privacy Policy, we’re assuming that means you accept those changes.

If you’ve got questions about something specific, use one of these links to jump to the appropriate section:

(Really, we recommend navigating that way. Reading this entire thing is heavy lifting that very few people need to do.)

What info do we collect?

We collect two types of information as you use our sites: (1) personal information, which means details like your name, email address, telephone number, mailing address and credit card information; and (2) non-personal information in a genericized format, like information about your interests, demographics, and how you use the sites. This information comes to us in a few ways:


We may request information from you when you:

  • Sign up to receive email newsletters from us (i.e. your email address, which you give us when you sign up)
  • Make a purchase on our site (to process payment and fulfill the order)
  • Enter a contest, sweepstakes, survey or special promotion (to process your entry)
  • Engage with our social media accounts involving our authors, books or brands (because, you know, you give us that information when you engage)
  • Submit user generated content, like comments on our News sections, or reviews
  • Engage with us via customer service or contact forms

In addition to information that you provide us directly, we and our third-party partners may use  technologies that automatically collect various pieces of non-personal information:

Device details

When you visit our sites – and our partners’ sites – your computer or your mobile device may make available information such as IP address, geolocation information, device identifiers, browser information, and other details related to interacting with our sites. We or our partners may capture some of these details. (BLLP would only use these details to make your visits with us more pleasant, but you’d have to consult our affiliates’ Privacy Policies to see what they might do with those details.)

Usage information

It helps us to know things like what pages you view, what search terms lead you to our sites, time and date of access, referring website addresses and other usage information. We may log some of these details for analytical purposes.


Some of our partners’ applications may deliver content based on your current location. BLLP does not collect this data, but our partners may collect or store location information gathered in that context.

Cookies and tracker tags

We’re a business doing business. Our site – like many other sites – may make use of cookies to record your preferences and actions. We use cookies for a variety of purposes, such as remembering you and tracking your use of our sites. You’re always free to modify your browser settings to decline cookies, but that may negatively impact your ability to use our Sites.

We may also use tracer tags or web beacons to collect data about your use of our sites, emails sent to you or ads you interact with. These tracers only collect non-personal information. They’re used for things like counting visitors to our Sites, seeing how you interact with our sites, including the paths you take and the links you click, and providing you with content that is customized just for your interests.


Some of our third-party partners may use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies to better understand your behavior and browsing activities. This enables us to deliver targeted advertising, whether you’re on our Sites or seeing our ads on third-party sites. For example, our third-party retailers and social networking partners use these technologies to customize advertisements about our books. We do not control these third party technologies, but if you have questions about how the third-parties are using your data, we encourage you to consult their Privacy Policies.

We do not authorize these third party network advertisers to use this technology to collect personal information about you. We also don’t give them access to any personal information about you that we may have. Many sites, however, track your Internet usage anonymously over time and across other websites. To learn more about the use of this information, or to opt out of our third party network advertisers, check out the Network Advertising Initiative at

California Do Not Track Notice

If you’re from California, we’ve got a specific bit of legal-ese to throw at you. If you’re using a browser that offers a “Do Not Track” feature, you should know that we do not respond to these “Do Not Track” signals. However, we also don’t track personal information about your online activities over time, or across third party websites – beyond tracking entry and exit points to our sites, when applicable. We also do not authorize third parties to collect any personal information from you on our Sites for these purposes.

Collection of Information From Other Third Party Sources

We may also collect personal and non-personal information about you from other sources to, among other things, enable us to supplement the information contained in our database and to better customize your experience with PRH.

How do we use the info we collect?

We want to personalize your experience, and continually improve what we can offer you at BLLP. To achieve this, we may use your personal and non-personal information in a few different ways:

  • Give you the stuff you ask for
  • Let you post content that you create to our Sites, like your comments and your reviews
  • Respond to any questions you might have about features on our sites, transactions with us or other contact inquiries
  • Give you news about cool new happenings, in the form of newsletters, offers and promos, as well as special events or third-party products and services
  • Serve you targeted advertising, both on our Sites and elsewhere online
  • Run contests, sweepstakes, promotions, and surveys
  • Optimize or improve our products, services and operations
  • Perform marketing analyses of users of the Sites and recipients of our emails, including browsing and purchasing patterns

We may occasionally share your info – but with whom, and for what purpose?

Personal details

Other than the examples we lay out here, we don’t share your personal details with companies outside of our Sites. In some limited cases outlined in this Privacy Policy, we may provide personal details to our business partners – to deliver services, or market our products to you. However, we will never sell or rent your personal information as part of a customer list or similar transaction, period.


These days, it takes a lot of people to run a business. We work with various third-party providers for Web hosting, marketing, analytics, fraud protection, etc. In some cases, these entities may have access to your personal details – but only as needed to perform their functions. They have a duty to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal details. We do not authorize these third-party partners to use, sell, distribute or alter this information in any way other than to provide the requested services and access to the Sites.

On the other hand, we do conduct business with some third-parties to deliver products and services, such as our authors, promotional co-sponsors, sweepstakes administrators and others. In limited circumstances, we may share your personal details with these third parties in order to provide you with special offers, promotional materials, and similar materials that might interest to you. Our treatment of your personal information outlined in this Privacy Policy, but third parties have their own Privacy Policies that govern how they use this information. Check them out, and if you’re not happy with how they’re using your data, contact us to opt out.

Authors Whose Websites We Manage

We manage some author resources, including author sites and author pages on various Internet sites, on behalf of the authors we publish. In the event that these authors should take over the management of their own sites, (at which point we no longer control these sites) – we may transfer personal information contained on those sites or collected through those sites to the authors. If that happens, we’ll make sure the authors are fully aware of our Privacy Policy, and we’ll request that they use any personal information we’ve gotten from you in a way that is consistent with our Privacy Policy. However, we can’t control how the authors may run their sites – they may have different policies, and such author sites are not subject to the terms of the BLLP Privacy Policy.

Disclosing information when required by law or in emergency situations

There are a few circumstances under which we may use or disclose personal information if we’re required by law, or if we (in good faith) believe that such an action is required:

  • To comply with a legal process served on us or any sites under our control
  • To protect and defend intellectual property, copyright and other rights and property, either on behalf of our sites or our users
  • If we believe there is an emergency situation directly impacting the personal safety of us, our agents, our authors, or the users of our sites
Non-Personal Information

This Privacy Policy pertains only to your personal identifiable information. This policy does not restrict our use of your non-personal information.

Social Media

Social media is a major component of any online identity. We use third-party social media services, including – but not limited to – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media services. If you choose to interact with us via these social media services, you authorize us to collect, store and use personal identifying information obtained through those interactions based on the guidelines laid out within this Privacy Policy.

Keep in mind that your personal information on those social media sites is subject to the Privacy Policies and current privacy settings on those sites – not governed by our own Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for any acts or omissions by said social media service providers. When you login to those services, you are assuming the risk that any personal information you provide through those services may be viewed and/or used by third parties.

Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose personal information from children under the age of 13. However, in some limited circumstances, if BLLP should find itself in possession of personal information from children under the age of 13, we will comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

If we find ourselves in possession of a child’s personal identifying information, what would we collect and how would we use it?

We do not solicit any personal information from children under the age of 13. However, there may be circumstances when we collect personal information, such as an email address from a child as part of an activity. For example:

Email address: If a child were to ask one of our authors a question, we may collect the child’s email address in order to respond. However, in such a case, we would delete the child’s email address from our system promptly after responding, and we would not use the child’s email address for any other purpose.

If a child visits our website, our system may collect anonymous information automatically from the child’s computer or device. This information may include the frequency with which a child visits our sites, the pages visited, and other data collected understand and monitor the usage of the site, customize content and improve our sites’ performance. This would be information collected through the use of technology such as cookies, web beacons and other technologies outlined above. We do not use this information to behaviorally target children.

Special circumstances

There may be times when we may share children’s personal information, according to our Privacy Policy as outlined above in the “When required by law or in emergency situations.”  (see “We may occasionally share your info“).

Parental rights

We comply with all parental rights under COPPA. If you have questions about your child’s information, you may email us at the contact form listed above.


We take Internet security seriously. BLLP will always take reasonable precautions to secure your personal information. Keep in mind, however, that no data storage or data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed secure. Beyond reasonable precautions, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us. In using our sites, you accept that you understand the risks, and agree that you transmit your personal information at your own risk.

When we make changes

As a growing organization, BLLP may add new services and features to our sites. If these should affect our Privacy Policy – or if any other changes in our privacy practices might affect our policy – we’ll update this document.

Want to opt-out or change your info?

It’s cool. You can discontinue receiving emails or opt-out of communications from BLLP whenever you like. Simply click on the “unsubscribe” link in any emails you receive, or send us a message at the contact form on our site. While we’re happy to unsubscribe you at any time (but we’ll be sorry to see you go!) – you may still receive messages from us concerning purchases you’ve made from us, even if you opt out of receiving unsolicited messages.

Are you in California?

If you’re a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding our disclosure of your personal information. If you want to make a request under this law, email us at the contact form above.

How To Contact Us

Reach out to us using our contact form.